
Deep dive into Redis Clustering

In this article, I will be talking about how Redis manages its storage in a distributed storage concept  and how it handles failover and utilize performance.  What is Redis? Redis(Remote Dictionary Service) is,   - An open source(BSD licensed )   - NoSQL database server   - In-memory data structure store(Keeps data in cache)   - An advanced key-value store(Redis keeps data as key-value pairs )   - Supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets. Redis Clustering Redis Clustering provides a consistent and resilient data service where data is automatically sharded (Partitions data) across multiple Redis nodes (Automatically split your dataset among multiple nodes). And it provides a master/slave setup for enhance availability in case of a failure. How Redis manages its storage in a distributed storage concept 1. Redis Cluster Topology -  Minimal cluster that works as expected requires to contain at least 3 master

Look Back

Personal Progress and Development, which is known as PPD was a different kind of a session series where it was not yet another lecture where we used to sit inside a lecture hall and listening to what lecturer says. We has this through out the whole two years and we were able to sharpen us in many ways. It helped us to develop our Personality, Self Confidence, how to over come with stage fear, Public Speaking, Decision making, taught us Team spirit and so on. Simply this course module has established to makes us a fulfilled person with everything you need as a Professional in this society. They conducted various kind of sessions to accomplish above mentioned things and since they are not just ordinary sessions we do in university, every  single session made us interesting since it was always an new experience for us. Nowadays most of the students have no confident when they go to public, and lack of communication skills, don't know how to talk with the people with

Outbound training- Missed it

This Outbound training session was organized by Madam Sarasi Senadheera to give us an Opportunity for us to get trained by well trained Navy soldiers. This was held in Naval and Maritime Academy (NMA), Trincomalee.  On this weekend I had our church feast where we celebrate our Church patron's day, the day where he left this world. Also he's known as Santa Claus who was used to give away all his assets to poor at that time. children wait for St. Nicholas to come and to put a present under their pillows provided that the children were good during the year. Children who behaved badly may expect to find a twig or a piece of coal under their pillows. Soon you hear the word Christmas what comes to our mind is Santa Clause. This synchronization has happened since we celebrate both Jesus's birth and St. Nicholas's day in the same month. Before the actual celebration day comes we have to prepare for it like for nine days where we have novenas daily in the evenings

Table Ethics and Etiquette

As Professionals to be in near future these ethics and etiquette matters alot when it comes to Professional get-togethers, Business parties, Conferences and so on. So by knowing these ethics and etiquette makes us know on how to sit for a dinner/ lunch, how to behave in a table, what should dress for all these kind of professional get-togethers. Mos of the time we are in trouble and wonder what to wear for this and what to wear for that and all. The session we had in Sri lanka Institue of Tourism and Hotel management gave us some good understanding about the above mentioned problems.  This session was conducted by organized by Madam Sarasi Senadheera and the it was conducted by head of the department, Food & beverages.  Napkin Etiquette  At informal meals, place the napkin in your lap immediately upon seating. During formal occasions, before unfolding the napkin, wait for the hostess to remove her napkin from the table and unfold it in her lap. Place the napkin

New Software Engineering Trends

Sofwatre Engineering is a field where it changes so rapidly. So inorder to give us an brief idea about what really happens in the industry, This session was arranged by Madam Sarasi Senadheera by inviting a HR manager and a Software Engineer from hSenidMobile Company. Internet of Things(IOT) Firstly they talked about communication. The communication between Hardware and Liveware. And now the new trend is Hardware to Hardware communication which is  called IOT(Internet Of Things). With the help of IOT we are capable of accessing a one Hardware device from another remotely.  Open source Software Products  This is also a new trend where most of the costly materials related to the software industry becomes freely available in the market. In the past people had a pay alot for some softwares and relevant materials and with the time everything has changed alot. It’s becoming a trend because,open source software’s code is often more secure because it is much m

Art of Living-Close your eyes to open your Mind

Since this was the last ppd session for the semester, We had kind of a different session, It was actually a guest lecture which was done by Dr.Ajith Colonne. Dr. Don Ajith Rohana Colonne is a student of Ananda College (Colombo), Thurstan College (Colombo) and Ananda Sastralaya (Kotte) in Sri Lanka. From 1974 to 1975, he attended the Loveland High School in Colorado, USA under the American Field Service (AFS) Cultural Exchange Scholarship Programme and graduated from there. Upon his return to Sri Lanka in 1975, he entered the University of Colombo and got a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1979. Subsequently, he obtained the Master of Business Administration Degree from the Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM) of the University of Sri Jayawardenepura in 1994 and the Master of Arts in Economics Degree from the University of Colombo in 1996. In 2014 he obtained the Doctor of Philosophy degree from the International University of America.He's currently holding many

Beauty of UOK

University of Kelaniya, My University has become one of the top five Universities in Sri lanka at the time. And it has grabbed the 4th position overall in the top list of the state Universities in Sri Lanka. It has become a mother to gives higher education to her children in different different areas like Humanities, Medicine, Science, Social Sciences, Commerce & Management, Computing & Technology and this mother commits and contribute alot for the development of the country. When I first entered into the University on my veryyy first day for student registration I this giant board infront on the University.  Every time i see this big board i feels like this board gives an enormous look to the University premises. As u you enter into the University you see this first, The statue of Lord Buddha and whenever you see this it gives us some kind of a metal relief and a relax eventhough I'm a catholic student. And this statue in the middle of the Universi