Barter Puzzle

This was kind of a different new experience to us since two activities went at the same time. Barter puzzle was the main activity and meanwhile we had to explain about our projects in front of the class.

At the very beginning we were divided into 4 groups and had to appoint a leader to our group. Our group leader was Pasan. Madam asked our Team leader to come with a group member to infront. And then she gave  A3 size pictures to each group and she asked them to make it into separate pieces to start the Barter puzzle activity. And after all they came back to the group with a different pieces of a picture which has done by another group.

At the very first to be honest we were like "No way, how can we make this again." And to the worst Madam has mixed some of our pieces with other groups and we were asked to get those pieces which belongs to us some how by negotiating with them.

We launched the initial step, we just had a good look on each and every piece and started thinking which goes with each piece. I think that's a good way to start some kind of a game like this. So after 5 to 10 minutes we were able to come up with pieces which go with each other and we just kept them in separate places. Like wise we just randomly selected pieces and started finding the other piece which relate to the piece we selected. This was a success until to a certain point and finally we ended up with some missing parts.

So next step was to start negotiating with other teams and some how to collect our missing parts. For everyone this was the toughest job, not the pieces matching part. So finally with all our strategic attempts we were able to filed it with  only two missing pieces. And won the second place.

Learning outcomes-
  • Working together as a team with team spirit and how to achieve a common objective.
  • How you concentrate on your project while keep an eye on the frauds that can be happened from other parties.
  • How to talk with other people in a politeness way and negotiate with them.
  • How  deal should happen with other parties
  • How to manage your project when someone tries to interfere your project work in the middle and try to engage you into a totally different activity currently you are in.


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