Missed it... But gained some new Experiences...

        Last Tuesday i was unable to attend for the PPD session as i had to join with an induction programme on that day. This induction programme was for a project called 'Wasser 4.0' which we are planing to work on it form 17th Monday, 2017.This is a project we are doing with some foreign people who are Undergraduates like us from their Universities in China And Mexico and this project is mainly based on water conservation. With our Sri Lankan team and our foreign students we are mainly planning to do some kind of awareness programmes about the above mentioned matter with specially school children and of course there are many fun activities included in this project.

At the very beginning we just gave an brief idea about our counrty to them and told some guidelines for them inorder to make their lives safer during the period they live in here Sri Lanka. This was done by me and it was my first experience infront of an Foreign audience.

Then we started to explain and make them aware about what we going to do next in our project and so on.

Also we explained them the way they should live in their near environment and we told them about all these roads and the buses and the other required stuff they which they need during the time perion they stay in here. 
And at the end of our induction programme we made sure to have some kind of fun activities as well. We danced for some roller dances and then we put that song 'Life in a new Millennium' Srilankan song and we all danced together as one though we are from different countries. It was an amazing experience to me as well as to my colleagues.

Since i missed the last PPD session so badly, I had to ask about the session from my friends. According to what they said was they were asked to get into separate groups, And asked them to come up with three different specialized areas. So group members can think and tell their interested and specialized field which they are good at. 
 So in here i just thought of telling about my self. I personally introduce my self as a Petrol head who is an car Enthusiast. I personally love cars alot and very keen in knowing about Automobile industry new technologies and new vehicle concepts. So to make myself upto date with the Automobile industry i usually read related Articles and Watch YouTube videos and if time permits I don't forget to visit for some Motor shows as well. Living in Sri Lanka and buying super cars is extremely a dream to all Petrol heads like me. So i myself have a habit of collecting model cars as a hoby of all these super expensive super cars and all. And also these models give me some kind of an idea about how actually the real car is, since these models are very much in detail and it has all these functions like steering, Shockabsorbers, and all other components and compartments inside a real car can be seen in a model such as very much detailed Engine compartment and all.

Finally what i want you all to say is 'Be a specialist, in the field you are most interested in'


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