PPD - Activities done in the past

Activity Name: Taking the Helium stick to the ground

Things we used:
 PVC pipe

Brief explanation:

This was the first day that we attended to a PPD session according to the
timetable. Dr.Upamali and other staff members brought some poles to the
classroom. Therefore we were wondering, because we were expecting a
normal lecture which is using a graphical presentation.
We were grouped and there are about 10 members in a group.
This game was introduced as ‘Helium stick’. We had to pull that stick down
by using only thumb .First we thought that it’s a easy task. But it wasn’t a
simple task. We had to hold the stick by using our thumbs, and bring that
Our major problem was miscommunication. It was a hard task to explain
what to do as a team to bring that stick down. Finally we all agreed to bring
stick down after counting to 3.At the beginning that wasn’t successful too.
But gradually we were managed to bring that stick down.
We learned that working as a team isn’t a easy task as we think. There
are different people who think in various ways. And therefore there must
be a leader who can handle such a situation. That leader should have an
ability to communicate with all the teammates and get their ideas.

Learning outcomes from the activity:
 Leadership is essential for group activities
 It is better to have good listeners in a team rather than the speakers to communicate well among the group

Activity Name: Building a paper tower

Things we used:
 10 A4 papers
 A sellotape
 A scissor

Brief explanation:

After the first activity ,we had to form another new group. Ten A4 sheets,
selotapes and a scissor was given to each group. We had to construct
the highest and stable paper tower by using only the given A4 sheets.
First of all, we planned about the structure of this tower .Because it must
not only be the highest, but also must be stable. Given time period is
short, therefore we had to do planning part quickly and started to
implement while discussing.
We tried to speak in English all the time because there are some of our
Tamil friends too. Any way we managed to build up the paper tower in
the time that we had given. Our tower got the 3rd place for the height.
All of us worked together as a group. But only few people were sharing
ideas, others were silent. That’s a weak point of our group. And we must
implement the best idea among other ideas. If there is a better idea we
have to accept it as a group. And a another thing is , planning task must
do properly before we entering to the developing part. A good plan will
lead us to the success!
What we learnt from the activity:
 Team work
 Leadership
 Planning

Activity Name: Cotton and Straw

Things we used:
 A peace of cotton
 A straw

Brief explanation:

Again we are grouped. In each and every activity we are getting new
groups. Therefore we can work with different people who have different
A piece of strew was given to every one and a small piece of cotton is
given to each group. We had to blow toward that piece of cotton and
keep somehow that thing above the floor. And the team which keep that
piece of cotton for the longest time period ,is the winning team!
Our team tried few times and then discussed to be in positions according
to our heights. Some said that taller people must come inside, while
others said that shorter people must be in centre. We tried both ways
and finally we kept that piece of cotton above floor for 2.3 seconds. But
another group has kept that for 3min.

Thing that we learned from this activity is when we doing a sensitive
work we must fully concentrate about the work. And to try to avoid
Later we talked about the team building concept. There are four parts.
They are, Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing & Adjourning.

Learning outcomes from the activity:

 Should be a specific plan to achieve our goals instead of trying everything
 We are never to give up till our task gets completed

Activity 2 Name: Human chair circle

What we used:
 A set of chairs

Brief explanation:

I think this activity was the best one. We kept chairs in a circle. Then
we have to sat down and turn to a one side. Afterwards we had to lean
back on one another. Then all chairs were removed away! Feet must
keep closer ,and knee must keep around 90̊̊ . Therefore stability
becomes higher. Whole class was participated for this as groups.

Learning outcomes from the activity:
 We can do many things when we are in a team.
 Though we can’t do something as individuals we can do it very easily in a team

Activity Name: Blind Submarine

Used thiings:
 A piece of black cloth
 Some balls as treasures
 A water bag
 Some round plates as mines

Brief explanation:

We were divided into six groups. I belonged to the group no: 6. So one
in each group was made blind with the piece of black cloth. Then other
group members got lined after him and bent down hanging at the hips of
the one in front. Only the last one was allowed to see outside and guide
the team. We were given marks for collecting the treasures and bombing
other teams with the water bag was provided. All the actions could be
done by the blind one who is in front and the guiding was only from the
last one. We were to stay away from the mines too.
Learning outcomes from the activity:
 Following instructions is better than winning a competition any how
 When we work as a team we can go through individuals’ disabilities

Activity name: Blind Polygon

Used things:
 A piece of black cloth
 A rope

Brief explanation:

Some teams were in the same group as they were in “Blind Submarine”
activity. But rest of the groups tried to plan how to do the activity before
they were made blind and Upamali madam decided to re arrange the
groups. We were supposed to create the polygon as said by madam
using the rope while our eyes were tied. Everyone in the group had to
participate in it. Even the rope was given to our hands after having eyes
tied. There was an interesting part for the last group. When they were
making the polygon the people who led the team were KIDNAPPED.
Learning outcomes from the activity:
 Leadership is essential when a team is in a critical situation
 Listening to others and guiding is important
 Coordination
 Team work
 Unity of command
 Reorganizing in a panic situation ( when members are kidnapped )

Activity name: Creating Egg-guard

Things we used :
 Papers
 Cellor tape
 Scissor

Brief explanation :

Students were grouped into 7/8 members for each group
The challenge was to create a safe package for an egg in a
limited time. The egg will be drop from about 12 feet high, with
the package. The egg should be
unharmed after the fall.
We built a very good cover around
the egg. Pasted small paper balls
around the egg and another layer
of paper around that. The idea
was to absorb the shock after the
fall without harming the egg.
Our idea was a successful idea.
The egg wasn’t broken after the


  1. What a fantastic post.. I have read many blogs but haven't read an interesting article like this before.. good job.. keep it up..

  2. keep it up bro.wating for next article

  3. Good job Pubudu.Keep it up 👍

  4. Hey pubudu, nice article....keep it up....


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